Thursday, December 8, 2011

Required Vocabulary for The Bet and Homework due December 15

Name____________________________________________ Date______ L4T__ Ms. De Pas
Vocabulary List for “The Bet “ by Anton Chekhov
Directions: define in English, usage from the context of the story. Use the spaces below to add your words.

1.       solitary confinement
3.       capital punishment
4.       life imprisonment
5.       immoral ( adj  )
6.       unsuitable( adj  )
7.       á priori is Latin for from the earlier,  it means knowing without doing something,  knowing something is true without proof
8.       humane( adj  )
9.       clever ( adj  )
10.   senseless( adj  )
11.   frivolous ( adj  )
12.   spoilt ( adj  )(spoiled)
13.   trifle ( N  )
14.   Gospel –The teachings of Jesus Christ, the relighous book of Christians
15.   compulsory ( adj  )
16.   voluntary ( adj  )
17.   to poison (V)
18.   meaningless ( adj  )
19.   nonsensical ( adj  )
20.   reckoning (N) calculation, understanding
21.   pluck ( adj  ) courage, nerve
22.   dreary ( adj  )
23.   captivity (N)
24.   threshold (N)
25.   bound ( adj  )required, forced
26.   foe (N)
27.    to procure
28.   zealously ( adv )
29.   treatise (N) an essay, a study of
30.   indiscriminately (adv)
31.   indebted (V)
32.   lodge(N) a small house
33.   emaciated ( adj  )thin, shrunken
34.   whirl (N) a turn, spin
35.   hideousness ( adj  ) ugliness, repulsiveness
36.   contempt (N) hatred, disdain

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