Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Little Things Are Big comments

L4T-08 post a comment and then read your classmates' comments and respond to one person. 1. If you were in a similar situation as the white woman--alone, late at night, scared--and a strange person approached you--what would you do? What would your reaction be? 2. Why do you think she was out alone at night? What questions would you like to ask her?


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  3. 1 i would be quite scared ,and i would talk with my childern
    2because she quarrel with her husband and she wanted to go out to live. why did you bring
    your children with you?

  4. i think she was alone in the night because she was lost

  5. 1: I will slap the strange person
    2: I think her husband is working at night so she have to take babies
    3: Are u scared with that strange man ?

  6. 1.I would be very nervous and frightend .I would slap his face,and tell him to go away! 2.I think his son must be sick,and he was in hospital,so she had to go out alone at night.I want to ask her a question:Why do not let your husbnad go somewhere with you?

  7. 1. I would be a bit scared, but I would depending on the person's face and body expression.

    2. I think she was alone because she was going to her home from a family party and for some X reason nobody wanted to take her home.

    Why you were with your baby so late at night and alone?

  8. i would be scared and cried =) psz.............

  9. 1. I would be scared and i would walk so fast and cried

  10. i think he was coming home after visiting a few place but then probabuly got late home .........

  11. 1. run away 2. comeing back from the work 3. why are you so late

  12. I will take somethink to self-defense.if he alway follow me.I will fight him. and i think she need more work,so she want out alone at night

  13. 2.what do you do is sameone want to help

  14. 1 I'm afraid him, I'll run away very fast. 2 Because she takes a big suitcase in her left hand,a baby on her right arm,and tow children trail after her. Why do you stay outside at midnight?

  15. 1.I think i feel afraid,i don't know who is he,and i am walk fast.
    2.I think she conflicts with her husband maybe,and she need go to a new place whih her children and suitcase.

  16. i can belive why she is alone in the nightwith her children

  17. 1if just me similar at there .i will feel afraid and a stronge man appoarched me .maybe i will run away .2 maybe she was conflict of her husband ,so she goes away her home with her bady ,two children and suitcase.

  18. 1 I think I just leave. I would feel very strange.
    2 I wanted to ask "what do you want to do?"

  19. 2. because she divorced to her husband.

  20. testing!!!!
    i have tried to post comment for thousands times.

  21. 1 I would look into the man's eyes,if i see nice eyes,i'll accept the help from the man.(i think people's eyes can tell something about the owner)

    2 I think she was looking for her husband,her husband was a bad guy,he didn't care about his famliy,so the woman had to took everything.

    3 question: It was a cold and dark night,you were taking train with kids and suitcase .DID YOU FEEL HELPLESSLY?

  22. Oh yes! I do believe that she could look into his eyes and know if he was good or not. But.......her husband was a bad guy, so bad that she had o leave in the middle of the night all alone with 3 children. So maybe she is really helpless and not able to trust anyone.

    You must use the adjective helpless, not the adverb helplessly. Good word though!

  23. I'm sorry you had trouble! I know how you feel--it happens to me, too. Thanks for persevering.

  24. Grecia, see Weichen and Wangling. I think they have a good idea why she was out alone.

  25. Gang! She's got a baby and a suitcase and 2 little kids! You want her to slap him! Are you thinking of the character or of you? Remember the setting, too--dark, late, scary, DANGEROUS!
    She's thinking that the black man will kill her or hit her or take her children!

  26. yeomhong baek see what I said to Gang. What do you both think now?

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. 1.I would be very scare and frightend .I would tell him to go away! 2.I think she life her husband house .I want to ask her a question:Why she lift your husband house?

  29. @boksunghoon
    1 run away with 3 kids and a suitcase?i think it's hard to run.....
    2 I think nodody takes 3 kids and a suitcase while they are working

  30. I think the both a racist because the man thinks the woman would be afraid of him but what would happen is the woman also is a puerto rican. Whatever we did not know is the woman was really a racist or not but the man learned an important lesson in life always try to do the rigth thing even what the others think about you
