Monday, September 26, 2011

Little Things are Big

Little Things are Big


  1. !. Why do you think the white woman was on the subway so very late at night? (Hint-- she got on at Penn Station--the long distance train station)
    In the 1950-60's women dod not travel alone at night.

  2. 2. What do you think her reaction would have been?

  3. 3. What would you have done if you were the white woman? or the black man?

  4. 1.Her husband has other woman,she was angry with her husband,and left home with her kids.
    2.If the black man help with me ,i'm very happy, and accept.

  5. 1.
    Because the woman just came here by the plane form other side of America.
    She was tired ,she didn't want to do anythings.

  6. the woman is so poor,Some thing happened at night when her husband came at night ,So they got into a fight,And then her husband kicked her out of the house because of the big fight,And then the woman took her kids and her heavy suitcase to the train to go to her family house to stay there

  7. 1.I think she need work very hard to life her child.And maybe she dont have husband.
    2.I think maybe she will very afraid.Because in the 1950-60's women didnt travel alone at night.That's so dangger.

  8. 1)I think she go back to her home.
    2)Maybe she call to police.
    3)If I am the black man I will offer my help and if I am white woman I ask the black man to help.

  9. 1. i think maybe the white woman quarrel with her husband
    2. she was so sad, and she want to find the other man
    3. if i was the white woman, i will accept the black man's help
    if i was the black man, i will feel so sorry for white woman, because i can't help her anymore

  10. A1: She might be came from another state.
    A2: I would thank him for the help.

  11. i think they were there bacause they were looking for a home...

  12. 1.I think that she leaves her husband.
    2.I think she will feel unlucky,she leaf her husband and meet a black man to molest her.
    3.My husband fights me and he has another woman,i was angry,and leaves him with my children,then i meet a black man,he want to molest me,and i will abreact my anger to him.

  13. 1. because she was first come to this culture.So she can't find the hotel.

    2.she was very care about her children, because she didn't know went to somewhere.

    3.If i am the black man, i will help he white women.

  14. i think she might be going to her friends house...
    maybe she will walk fast than other people..

  15. 1.Maybe she quarrelled with her husband at night,and she was so angry that she left home with everything,including her children.
    2.if the man looks kind,i will receive his help,because i really need his help.(Molly)

  16. i think she will said yes bacause she had many thing to care about,and bacause maybe she was different as the white people that didn't like black people

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I think she was going to visit her family

  19. i think she was coming back to home. after visiting some place.. but unfortunately she got late...

  20. 3.If i were the black man,i would help the woman.Although i would think the woman was prejudced at me firstly.

  21. 1.She divorced with her husband,so she did anything by herself. That day she finished something ,but she did not have a car ,she only got to train with her childern.
    2. she was sad ,she thinked why did not help her?

  22. the girl shouldnt be there at that time cuz she might get rob by someone.

  23. 1)i think she fought with her parents then she had to got out the house with her children and she went to the train station because she didnt have no one else
    2)if i were the white woman i would feel so sad, affraid and nervious

  24. YES! Many of you wrote that you thought the white woman was running away from her husband, maybe she fought with him, maybe she had to leave him in the middle of the night to save her children and herself. I also think that is possible. We cannot know, the author does not know or even question her reason for being alone, way past midnight.
    Women did not travel alone, not in the 1950's. She's a young mother, with a baby and young children--it seems like she is running away from a bad situation. Even today, I do not know any woman who would choose to be in that situation. I agree, she is probably better off alone, at night, in Brooklyn, than at home!

  25. I think she would be very scared of a strange man, back or white or Asian, or green, any man who would approach her. I know I would be, but.......if my suitcase was very heavy, maybe I would be less afraid and accept help.
    In my experience, people are not always evil. I do not trust most people, but......sometimes I do. Maybe, if I were her, I would accept his help. I know I would help her. Wouldn't you?

  26. Q 1: I think she was on the subway so late because maybe she was working and she left work very late.!!

    Q 2: She was scare because at that time it was dangerous for her to be so late and alone walking on the subway.

  27. 1.I think this woman is quarrel with her husband,so she leave home with her children.
    2.She feels sad and she was tired.
    3.if I am the woman I will need the black man's help.

  28. 1) I think the women was working late. Therefore she took her child late and they walk on subway at late time.
    2) she feel afaid.
    3) If I'm the women, i will accept his help, if he help.

  29. 1)i think the white woman might have a wrangle with her husband

  30. 2)she feels sad and angry,because she thought why the man looks like see nothing.
    3)if i am the woman i might ask the man for help.because that time,i was so tied,i need help.

  31. if i was the woman, i will find a friend in the train to help me.

  32. she feels tired and dad,because she had to bring her three children.

  33. i think the white woman maybe went to look for her husband who work hard in other city.

  34. @xinghui,i don't agree with you,if i were a mother,i will not let my children do not sleep until i finish work,and why not me leave them with their father?if nobody else at home,i can let them at my friend's home,which will be better.(Molly)

  35. yanzhen,chen i don't think that white woman was there with her children and a suitcase looking for her husband if its too many thing to care about .remamber chen it was late at night how she will looking for her husband if he could do the same that was look for his wife and his children so it can not .
